If you want to be able to be spot on with your intuition.
If you want to be psychic and know things others do not even know about themselves,
We ALL have been conditioned to NOT trust our gutfeeling.
Because many of us have been raised and/or have been heavily influenced by narcissists in some way or the other.
We – as a society – have been raised AND conditioned not to trust ourselves.
(Note, that the term Narcissist is a character trait and NOT a diagnosis. People always get that WRONG.)
It is inherently true, that narcissists will gaslight you, making you doubt your own perception and reality.
In order to return to trusting your OWN senses, you MUST discard ALL VOICES but the voice of your body.
Be it your super ego, your bad object, any internal dialogue or the talk and advices you receive from people on the outside.
Take NO (!) advice.
ALL voices must be silenced..
In order to BECOME.
Read that again.
In order to BECOME (!)
you MUST become silent.
Meaning: NOTHING within you
Become mute.
Listen to your body talk.
Let your body tell you what you need to know.
The body is your „dog“.
It will bark, when something is wrong.
When something FEELS off, it IS.
You trust your dog.
But you do not trust your own bodily perceptions.
FIRST trust your dog/body.
He will guide you back towards your OWN TRUE REALITY.
Without Illusions/Delusions.
Do NOT trust emotions (!!).
Do NOT trust your thoughts (!!).
Trust your bodily feelings.
Your dog.
The more you let your bodily feelings guide you,
the more you will start to regain trust in your OWN perceptions and reality.
You UNFUCK / UN-GASLIGHT yourself.
You rock.