, the apprentice asked the master.
The master smiled and said: „A guru is somebody who has become nothing.“
„Nothing…?“, the apprentice paraphrased and insisted „But Guruji, you are a hell lot of something!“
Again the master smiled and extended: „Gu means darkness, Ru means to dispell. So a guru is a kind of a demonic exorcist.“
„A demonic exorcist…???“, the apprentice paraphrased surprised again.
„Demonic in that sense, how the western world views knowledge and the knowledge of truth. As something demonic. Satanic.
As something luciferian. A guru casts out the evil spirit of ignorance. He brings the light of truth to the darkness of untruth.
He has no knowledge, but the knowledge about himself. He is neither a scribe nor a scientist nor a priest.
He is just nothing. He had to become nothing to become himself. He had to become nothing to see himself. He rid all the darkness of ignorance within himself first, before he could turn to the world dispelling the darkness from the minds of others.
Just like the Gita says, that Shiva´s Ajna opened up in flames and covered him all over in ashes. Ashes of his burnt former false self.
All of which he once was was burnt in the hellfire of knowledge of self, in the puregatory of Gnosis.
That my dear boy is a guru. Nothing.“
„Understood“, the apprentice replied.
„No. You do not understand. You can not understand until you have experienced the death of what you once have been.
You can grasp a glimpse of what that means intellectually, but you will only realize the full truth of what that means,
and what there is by experiencing it yourself.“
„Shambo!“, the apprentice murmured and bowed his head to the master.
Copyright by Amandas Nadel (c)
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